Often entrepreneurs initially are motivated by pure adrenaline and the insatiable desire to start something from nothing. The ones that last, however, are the founders with tenacious drive, among other qualities. Here are five traits I see again and again in successful entrepreneurs:


1. They’re incredibly persistent.


2. They don’t take no for an answer.


 3. They know how to turn situations to their advantage.


4. They get things done.


5. They pay attention to details.

5 Traits of People Who Build Lasting Companies, by , Inc Magazine

“Danas je moralno nemati morala, glupo je biti pametan, a demodirano biti pošten. Bog ne stanuje u crkvi, pravda u sudovima, obrazovanje u školi, a humanost u zdravstvu. Ako postoji veće dno od ovog na kome smo se našli, onda je to dno našeg neshvatanja da smo dotakli dno. A kada me već pitate za izlaz – izlaza nema.”

Kokan Mladenović, reditelj